7 Ways to Find & Keep Great Employees

July 16, 2024

Identifying & retaining great employees requires care, attention, and often a lot of help. Only 26% of frontline workers feel valued and recognized by their organization. At Woven, we seek to change that.

Through decades of experience working with (and for) franchise & multi-unit businesses, our team has identified 7 strategies that can help you cultivate a thriving workforce: 

1. Ask Existing Employees for Referrals

Your current rock stars probably know other rock stars. They’re like the unofficial talent scouts of your organization. Plus, referrals often come with a built-in cultural fit.

2. Create an Engaging Onboarding Process

Picture this: a new employee walks through your doors, slightly nervous but brimming with potential. Your onboarding process is your chance to make a stellar first impression. Provide straightforward training materials, offer support, and explain how your company operates. Also, make sure to introduce your new employee to the team and make them feel welcome. If budget allows, you might consider a welcome basket of branded materials (and not just uniform shirts).

Pro Tip: Woven’s Learning & Development tools can make the onboarding process more exciting and the easy-to-use platform makes training a breeze!

3. Pair New Employees with a Mentor

Mentoring isn’t just for Jedi apprentices. Pairing new hires with experienced team members helps them acclimate faster. Share your own career journey – successes, setbacks, and all. It’s like passing down the sacred scrolls of workplace wisdom.

4. Make Scheduling Easy

Your employees should be able to easily communicate their availability, access their schedules, trade shifts, and request time-off without embarrassment or difficulty. If your employees are taking photos in the break room of the schedule for the upcoming week (which may be changed/updated at any time), you’re doing it wrong.

Pro Tip: Woven’s Shift Scheduling feature provides an easy, user-friendly way for all your employees to have access to their scheduled shifts and be able to trade shifts conveniently (but with compliance).

5. Encourage Communication & Celebrate Success

Ditch the stale, once-a-year reviews. Regular check-ins and constructive feedback keep employees engaged. And don’t forget to celebrate individual and team victories, no matter how small. Everyone loves feeling appreciated!

Pro Tip: Woven’s Employee Recognition tools empower managers and employees to engage with & recognize their peers.  

6. Encourage Work/Life Balance

Burnout isn’t a badge of honor, and “most overworked employee” isn’t an award you want to hand out. You would likely have to track down your ex-employee at their new job to give it to them anyway.

7. Finally, Empower Your Managers

If your managers and team leaders spend all day every day running around putting out fires, they have no time left to do what they really need to – manage (it’s in their title, folks!) and motivate their employees. Employees will want to stay forever with the right well-supported managers.

Whether it’s training, communication, or scheduling, Woven can help make your managers more efficient AND effective.

    Remember, great employees aren’t just cogs in the corporate machine – they are the heart & soul of your organization. Nurture them, appreciate them, and watch your company bloom!

    Unlock the future of employee retention with Woven. Book a consultation call HERE.